A downloadable game for Windows

Simple Painter App

Project Description

A simple painter app where users can control the stroke's hue and value by right-clicking on different parts of the window. The color becomes brighter in higher parts of the window and warmer on the left.


  • 4 points - Change the brush shape to make it different from the class demo
  • 4 points - Have more than 2 colors in the picture
  • 2 points - Take a picture/screenshot
  • Extra Credit (2 points) - Using multiple primitives, alpha channels, or experimenting with other techniques not covered in class


# Simple Painter App
def setup():
    size(800, 600) #width, height
    background(110, 100, 100) #RGB
    fill(110, 100, 100)
    colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100) # Change color mode to HSL, each are Mode/ max color/ max hue/ max lightness/ max alpha
def draw():
    """#Refresh the background first! (Nope, it won't work without custom vars :(
    background(255, 255, 255)"""
    #Display what user drew
    """#Here is The UI part starts(This is conflict with the... Hold on, yes, it interfere with the color)
    rect(700, 0, 100, 600)"""
    """#This is cursor (Maybe it can't work in this way, I gave up)
    circle(mouseX, mouseY, 20)"""
def mouseClicked():
    #fill(noise(mouseX * 0.02, mouseX *0.02),255,255)
    #fill(mouseX/4, mouseY/3, (mouseX + mouseY)/7) 
    #fill(100 + mouseX* 50 / 800, 100 + mouseY * 50 / 600, random(100, 150), 1)
    #Color define by mouse's X pos, Hue just pick a random number between a range, lightness defined by mouse's Y pos, and Alpha is defined as 75% 
    #fill(Color, hue, lightness, alpha)
    fill(mouseX * 360 / 800, random(3, 7), (600 - mouseY) * 100 / 600, 15) 
def mouseDragged():
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 25, 30) #Ellipse brush~
    #arc(mouseX, mouseY, 60, 60, 0, PI+QUARTER_PI, PIE) #Pie Brush~
# ...


Simple Painter App Gameplay


application.windows64.zip 42 MB

Install instructions

Java 8 required for playing

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