A downloadable game

Ball Catcher V2

Project Description

A simple falling ball catching game with advanced (compare to original V1) , without using OOB. Use keyboard to control the catcher. Further, there are other types of balls either worth more points or give extra lives.

Assignment Rubrics

  • 4 points - use arrays and loops to programmatically move the falling objects (that means more than one falling object!)
  • 1 point - the catching object must move based on player input (using the same method as last time is fine)
  • 4 points - collision detection between the two objects now done with loops and arrays (distance or rectangular, depending on visuals)
  • 1 point - the falling objects respawns to a random location when caught or fall off the screen
  • Extra Credit (1 point) - display a score and design a more complex scoring system (eg. different point values, multipliers, etc.)
  • Extra Credit (2 points) - add hysteresis to the player controlled object and/or the score display (check out the first minute or so from this video to see what that might look like: Super Mario 64 Coin Count (Links to an external site.))

My Code

#Falling Object Game V2(PesudoVer)
import copy
#Create dict for normal ball
normalBallDict = {
#Create dict for slow big ball
slowBallDict = {
#Create dict for fast w/ extra life ball
fastBallDict = {
    "speed": 10,
#Create Catcher's dict
catcher = {
    "curSpd":0, #define moving to left as "negative" speed, and vise versa
#Game Status, 0 = menu, 1 = in-game, 2 = failscreen (showScore)
gameStatus = 0
#Create list to store all ball's info
ballList = []
#Create some global vars for current playing match
gameInProgress = False
#gameInProgress = True #DEBUG
playerLifesConst = 5
playerLifes = playerLifesConst
trueScore = 0
displayedScore = 0
highestScore = 0
frameSinceGame = 0
normalBallRefreshInterval = normalBallDict['refreshInterval']
slowBallRefreshInterval = slowBallDict['refreshInterval']
fastBallRefreshInterval = fastBallDict['refreshInterval']
screenResolutionWidth = 600
screenResolutionHeight = 800
playerPressedKey = "nothingPressed" #have 3 type, nothing/left/right
def interfaceSelector():
    if gameStatus == 0:
    elif gameStatus == 1:
    elif gameStatus == 2:
def drawMenu():
    #TODO: make menu here, change gameStatus to 1 when player click play
def drawColorfulBackground():
    cirRad = 50
    for column in range(screenResolutionWidth / cirRad + 2):
        for row in range(screenResolutionHeight / cirRad + 2):
            fill(frameCount % 255, (frameCount + column * cirRad) % 255, (frameCount - row * cirRad) % 255)
            circle(column * cirRad + frameCount % cirRad, row * cirRad + frameCount % cirRad, cirRad * 3)
def drawTitle():
    #f = loadFont("TheBomb-7B9gw.ttf")
    #textFont(f)                        #Nah, font won't work
    text("Catcher", 150, 300)
def drawInteractiveButton(inputText):
    global gameStatus, trueScore, displayedScore
    #the box should be 400 x 100, on 300, 500
    if (mouseX < 500 and mouseX > 100 and mouseY < 550 and mouseY > 450):
        rect(300, 500, 460, 130, 30, 30, 30, 30)
        text(inputText, 210, 520)
        if mousePressed:
            gameStatus = 1
            trueScore = 0
            displayedScore = 0
        rect(300, 500, 400, 100, 20, 20, 20, 20)
        text(inputText, 220, 520)
def drawGame():
    #TODO: mainGame goes here
    global ballList, gameInProgress, frameSinceGame, gameStatus, catcher, playerLifes, normalBallRefreshInterval, slowBallRefreshInterval, fastBallRefreshInterval
    #print("Draw Game Running", gameInProgress) #DEBUG
    if gameInProgress == False:
        #Initializing game here
        gameInProgress = True
        #ballList.clear() # Clear function in python is not working in Processing's python D: 
        #have to use some methods to find a workaround 
        #Reseting Game
        emptyList = []
        ballList = emptyList
        #add first ball to the game here
        newBallDict = copy.deepcopy(normalBallDict)
        playerLifes = playerLifesConst
        trueScore = 0
        displayedScore = 0
        #Init catcher's pos
        catcher['posY'] = screenResolutionHeight - catcher['btmDistance']
        catcher['posX'] = screenResolutionWidth / 2
        #ball's refresh interval reset
        normalBallRefreshInterval = normalBallDict['refreshInterval']
        slowBallRefreshInterval = slowBallDict['refreshInterval']
        fastBallRefreshInterval = fastBallDict['refreshInterval']
        #CountFrames since this match start
        frameSinceGame = 0
        frameSinceGame += 1
        #Go scoreBoard if failed
        if playerLifes <= 0:
            gameInProgress = False
            gameStatus = 2
            #gameStatus = 1 #test before code scoreboard
        #background(0)          #nah, I'm not gonna use black background anymore
        fill(40 ,40 ,40 , 200)
        rect(screenResolutionWidth / 2, screenResolutionHeight / 2, screenResolutionWidth, screenResolutionHeight)
        #print("ballCreator Runs!")
        #print("ballIterator Runs!")
        #print("updateCatcher Runs!")
        #print("updateUI Runs!")
def ballCreator():
    global ballList, normalBallRefreshInterval, slowBallRefreshInterval, fastBallRefreshInterval
    #when frame reached normal ball refresh interval 
    if (frameSinceGame % normalBallRefreshInterval) == 0:
        newBallDict = copy.deepcopy(normalBallDict)
        newBallDict['posX'] = random(20,580)
        #print("New normal ball added")
        normalBallRefreshInterval -= normalBallDict['intervalIncrement']
        if normalBallRefreshInterval <= normalBallDict['minimumRefreshInterval']:
            normalBallRefreshInterval = normalBallDict['minimumRefreshInterval']
    #when frame reached big ball refresh interval         
    if (frameSinceGame % slowBallRefreshInterval) == 0:
        newBallDict = copy.deepcopy(slowBallDict)
        newBallDict['posX'] = random(30,570)
        slowBallRefreshInterval -= slowBallDict['intervalIncrement']
        print("New slow ball added")
        if slowBallRefreshInterval <= slowBallDict['minimumRefreshInterval']:
            slowBallRefreshInterval = slowBallDict['minimumRefreshInterval']
    #when frame reached fast ball refresh interval         
    if (frameSinceGame % fastBallRefreshInterval) == 0:
        newBallDict = copy.deepcopy(fastBallDict)
        newBallDict['posX'] = random(30,570)
        fastBallRefreshInterval -= fastBallDict['intervalIncrement']
        print("New fast ball added")
        if fastBallRefreshInterval <= fastBallDict['minimumRefreshInterval']:
            fastBallRefreshInterval = fastBallDict['minimumRefreshInterval']
def ballIterator():
    global ballList, playerLifes, trueScore
    #Check collision, if not colliding, update position
    for ballElement in ballList:
        if checkBtmCollision(ballElement):
            playerLifes -= 1
        elif checkCatcherCollision(ballElement):
            if ballElement['ballType'] == "fast":
                playerLifes += 1
            trueScore += ballElement['score']
            #print("score added")
            updateBalls(ballElement) #Include drawing part
def checkBtmCollision(ballElement):
    #TODO: check is this ball colliding with Bottom or not, return boolean
    ballPosY = ballElement['posY']
    ballRad = ballElement['rad']
    if (ballPosY + ballRad) > screenResolutionHeight:
        #print("touch BTM")
        return True
    return False
def checkCatcherCollision(ballElement):
    #TODO: check is this ball colliding with catcher or not, return boolean 
    ballPosX = ballElement['posX']
    ballPosY = ballElement['posY']
    ballRad = ballElement['rad']
    #calculate Y-axis collision first, should between a range of tolerance
    upperBound = (screenResolutionHeight - catcher['btmDistance']) - (catcher['height'] / 2.0)
    lowerBound = upperBound + catcher['yTolerance']
    ballLowerBound = ballPosY + ballRad
    #then calculate X-axis collision
    leftBound = (catcher['posX'] - (catcher['width'] / 2.0))
    ballLeftBound = ballPosX - (ballRad * (2.0 / 3.0))
    rightBound = (catcher['posX'] + (catcher['width'] / 2.0)) 
    ballRightBound = ballPosX + (ballRad * (2.0 / 3.0))
    #print(ballRightBound, rightBound)
    if((ballRightBound < rightBound) and (ballLeftBound > leftBound)):
        #print("within x range")
        if ((ballLowerBound < lowerBound) and (ballLowerBound > upperBound)):
            #print("touched catcher")
            return True
    return False
def updateBalls(ballElement):
    #TODO: update all balls pos and other attributes
    ballElement['posY'] += ballElement['speed']
    ballElement['speed'] += ballElement['acceleration']
    circle(ballElement['posX'], ballElement['posY'], ballElement['rad'] * 2)
def detectInput():
    global playerPressedKey
    if keyPressed:
        #if keyCode == LEFT and keyCode == RIGHT #Ummmm, Processing can't handle keys pressed at the same time properly
        if keyCode == LEFT:
            playerPressedKey = "leftPressed"
        elif keyCode == RIGHT:
            playerPressedKey = "rightPressed"
        playerPressedKey = "nothingPressed"
def updateCatcher():
    #TODO: update catcher's pos
    global catcher
    #print("detectInput Runs!", playerPressedKey)
    if playerPressedKey == "leftPressed":
        catcher['curSpd'] -= catcher['acce']
        #check if speed is higher than maxSpd
        if abs(catcher['curSpd']) > catcher['maxSpd']:
            catcher['curSpd'] = -1 * catcher['maxSpd']
    elif playerPressedKey == "rightPressed":
        catcher['curSpd'] += catcher['acce']
        #check if speed is higher than maxSpd
        if abs(catcher['curSpd']) > catcher['maxSpd']:
            catcher['curSpd'] = catcher['maxSpd']
    elif playerPressedKey == "nothingPressed":
        if abs(catcher['curSpd']) > catcher['acce']:
            if catcher['curSpd'] < 0:
                catcher['curSpd'] += catcher['acce']
                catcher['curSpd'] -= catcher['acce']
            catcher['curSpd'] = 0
    #Finally, update pos
    catcher['posX'] += catcher['curSpd']
    if (catcher['posX'] + catcher['width'] / 2.0) > screenResolutionWidth:
        catcher['posX'] = screenResolutionWidth - (catcher['width'] / 2.0)
        catcher['curSpd'] = 0
    elif (catcher['posX'] - catcher['width'] / 2.0) < 0:
        catcher['posX'] = catcher['width'] / 2.0
        catcher['curSpd'] = 0
    #draw catcher here
    rect(catcher['posX'], catcher['posY'], catcher['width'], catcher['height'], 0, 0, catcher['cornerRounding'], catcher['cornerRounding'])
def updateUI():
    global displayedScore
    #update displayedScorefirst!
    if displayedScore < trueScore:
        displayedScore += 1
    fill(122, 255, 211)
    scoreText = ("Score: %i" % (displayedScore))
    text(scoreText, 0, 30)
    lifeRemainText = ("Life: %i" % (playerLifes))
    fill(238, 255, 112)
    text(lifeRemainText, 0, 60)
def drawScore():
    #TODO: draw scoreboard here
    global trueScore, displayedScore, highestScore
    #re-initialize scores when game is over
    if trueScore > highestScore:
        highestScore = trueScore
    gameInProgress = False
def drawScoreBoard():
    fill(10, 10, 10, 200)
    rect(screenResolutionWidth / 2, screenResolutionHeight / 2, screenResolutionWidth - 60, screenResolutionHeight - 60, 10, 10, 10, 10)
    highScoreText = ("Highest Score: %i" % (highestScore))
    curScoreText = ("Your Score:        %i" % (trueScore))
    text(highScoreText, 100, 300)
    text(curScoreText, 100, 380)
def setup():
    size(screenResolutionWidth, screenResolutionHeight)
    frameRate(60) #framebased physics, yay
def draw():


Simple Painter App Gameplay


application.windows64.zip 42 MB

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