What if you put extra efforts on video game assignments----4
A downloadable game
Music Player
Project Description
A simple Music player that can play music layer by layer.
Assignment Rubrics
- 3 points - describe how to use/play your instrument in comments at the top of your code
- 5 points - use at least 5 sounds (through audio files, audio waves, or sound envelopes)
- 2 points - have a visual component that changes depending on what sounds are playing
- Extra Credit (1 point) - use more than 5 sounds
- Extra Credit (1 point) - add more interesting controls than simply "press some key to play the sound"
My Code
#Assignment 4 #Trying to do a EZ-music-player by pressing the button on UI #No button required to play the music! #It should be pretty straight-forward, just click the track you want to play #Then it will play. Re-click the track will start over the song. #If you want to add/remove some flavor for this song, just click the button. #It have 9 music to load, so please be patient while loading #Credits for the song goes to Daniel Sadowski, for creating these wonderful songs for Dota2 music pack! add_library('sound') #some Bools for making sure the Now-Playing status m1L1B = False m1L2B = False m1L3B = False m2L1B = False m2L2B = False m2L3B = False m3L1B = False m3L2B = False m3L3B = False xReso = 640 yReso = 480 sampleRate = xReso #When mouse Clicked, pass the value to function mouseClickPasser = False def buttonCreation(posX, posY, sizeX, sizeY, setColor): global mouseClickPasser #Interpert Hex first if (mouseX > posX) and (mouseX < (posX + sizeX)) and (mouseY > posY) and (mouseY < (sizeY + posY)): fill(200,200,250) rect(posX, posY, sizeX, sizeY) if mouseClickPasser: mouseClickPasser = False return True else: fill(setColor) rect(posX, posY, sizeX, sizeY) return False def mouseClicked(): global mouseClickPasser mouseClickPasser = True def setup(): global m1L1, m1L2, m1L3, m2L1, m2L2, m2L3, m3L1, m3L2, m3L3 global m1L1B, m1L2B, m1L3B, m2L1B, m2L2B, m2L3B, m3L1B, m3L2B, m3L3B global sampleRate, wf1, wf2, wf3 global xReso, yReso size(xReso, yReso) background(0) fill(255) textSize(50) text( "Loading", 250, 200) #fill(255) #textSize(30) text( "EST: 10-20s ", 150, 280) frameRate(30) m2L1 = SoundFile(this, "lane1_layer1.mp3") m2L2 = SoundFile(this, "lane1_layer2.mp3") m2L3 = SoundFile(this, "lane1_layer3.mp3") m1L1 = SoundFile(this, "lane2_layer1.mp3") m1L2 = SoundFile(this, "lane2_layer2.mp3") m1L3 = SoundFile(this, "lane2_layer3.mp3") m3L1 = SoundFile(this, "lane3_layer1.mp3") m3L2 = SoundFile(this, "lane3_layer2.mp3") m3L3 = SoundFile(this, "lane3_layer3.mp3") wf1 = Waveform(this, sampleRate) wf2 = Waveform(this, sampleRate) wf3 = Waveform(this, sampleRate) wf1.input(m1L1) wf2.input(m2L1) wf3.input(m3L1) def draw(): global m1L1, m1L2, m1L3, m2L1, m22, m2L3, m3L1, m3L2, m3L3 background(0) playBackground() playSound() playAddon() def playBackground(): global m1L1, m1L2, m1L3, m2L1, m2L2, m2L3, m3L1, m3L2, m3L3 global m1L1B, m1L2B, m1L3B, m2L1B, m2L2B, m2L3B, m3L1B, m3L2B, m3L3B global sampleRate, wf1, wf2, wf3 if m1L1B: drawSample(wf1, "#3c6ab5") elif m2L1B: drawSample(wf2, "#f05d30") elif m3L1B: drawSample(wf3, "#8e9c67") else: line(0, height/2, width, height/2) fill(96, 131, 184, 200) rect(12, 11, 169, 457) rect(225, 11, 402, 457) fill(255) textSize(60) text("Flavor Adder", 259, 154) textSize(30) text("Tracks", 47, 60) def drawSample(waveform, colorHex): global sampleRate waveform.analyze() #print("waveform analyzed") fill(colorHex) noStroke() #print(str(waveform.data[100])) for i in range(sampleRate): rect(i, height/2 + waveform.data[i] * height /2 , 1, height/2 - waveform.data[i] * height / 2) def stopAll(): global m1L1, m1L2, m1L3, m2L1, m2L2, m2L3, m3L1, m3L2, m3L3 global m1L1B, m1L2B, m1L3B, m2L1B, m2L2B, m2L3B, m3L1B, m3L2B, m3L3B if m1L1B: m1L1.stop() m1L2.stop() m1L3.stop() m1L1B = False m1L2B = False m1L3B = False #print("first should stopped now") elif m2L1B: m2L1.stop() m2L2.stop() m2L3.stop() m2L1B = False m2L2B = False m2L3B = False elif m3L1B: m3L1.stop() m3L2.stop() m3L3.stop() m3L1B = False m3L2B = False m3L3B = False def playSound(): global m1L1, m1L2, m1L3, m2L1, m2L2, m2L3, m3L1, m3L2, m3L3 global m1L1B, m1L2B, m1L3B, m2L1B, m2L2B, m2L3B, m3L1B, m3L2B, m3L3B if buttonCreation(30, 81, 135, 26, "#85EBE5"): stopAll() m1L1.play() m1L2.play() m1L3.play() m1L2.amp(0.001) m1L3.amp(0.001) m1L1B = True if buttonCreation(30, 122, 135, 26, "#85EBE5"): stopAll() m2L1.play() m2L2.play() m2L3.play() m2L2.amp(0.001) m2L3.amp(0.001) m2L1B = True if buttonCreation(30, 163, 135, 26, "#85EBE5"): stopAll() m3L1.play() m3L2.play() m3L3.play() m3L2.amp(0.001) m3L3.amp(0.001) m3L1B = True fill(0) textSize(15) text("Cool Music", 59, 100) text("Hot Music", 63, 141) text("Human Music", 49, 182) def playAddon(): global m1L1, m1L2, m1L3, m2L1, m2L2, m2L3, m3L1, m3L2, m3L3 global m1L1B, m1L2B, m1L3B, m2L1B, m2L2B, m2L3B, m3L1B, m3L2B, m3L3B if m1L1B: if buttonCreation(271, 217, 127, 147, "#00B6F0"): if m1L2B: m1L2.amp(0.001) m1L2B = False else: m1L2.amp(1) m1L2B = True fill(255) textSize(30) if m1L2B: text("Remove", 283, 281) else: text("Add", 303,281) text("Delicate", 281, 317) if buttonCreation(442, 217, 135, 147, "#00B6F0"): if m1L3B: m1L3.amp(0.001) m1L3B = False else: m1L3.amp(1) m1L3B = True fill(255) textSize(30) if m1L3B: text("Remove", 447, 281) else: text("Add", 478,281) text("Beats", 465, 317) #Second Song if m2L1B: if buttonCreation(271, 217, 127, 147, "#00B6F0"): if m2L2B: m2L2.amp(0.001) m2L2B = False else: m2L2.amp(1) m2L2B = True fill(255) textSize(30) if m2L2B: text("Remove", 283, 281) else: text("Add", 303,281) text("Delicate", 281, 317) if buttonCreation(442, 217, 135, 147, "#00B6F0"): if m2L3B: m2L3.amp(0.001) m2L3B = False else: m2L3.amp(1) m2L3B = True fill(255) textSize(30) if m2L3B: text("Remove", 447, 281) else: text("Add", 478,281) text("Beats", 465, 317) #Third Song if m3L1B: if buttonCreation(271, 217, 127, 147, "#00B6F0"): if m3L2B: m3L2.amp(0.001) m3L2B = False else: m3L2.amp(1) m3L2B = True fill(255) textSize(30) if m3L2B: text("Remove", 283, 281) else: text("Add", 303,281) text("Delicate", 281, 317) if buttonCreation(442, 217, 135, 147, "#00B6F0"): if m3L3B: m3L3.amp(0.001) m3L3B = False else: m3L3.amp(1) m3L3B = True fill(255) textSize(30) if m3L3B: text("Remove", 447, 281) else: text("Add", 478,281) text("Beats", 465, 317)

Assignment4_Sound.zip 19 MB
Install instructions
Must use processing 3 to run the code within the zip files.
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