What if you put extra efforts on video game assignments----5
A downloadable tool
Map Tiles Exporter
Project Description
A simple tool to generate tile maps with (relatively friendly) UI. Progress can be saved and the result can be exported as a png file.
Assignment Rubrics
- 4 points - clicking on the screen creates a tile on the grid
- 1 point - keyboard keys (specify which ones in comments at the top) allow for switching between at least 4 different tiles
- 4 points - the currently selected tile should be visible (either shown in some UI element or following the mouse cursor (perhaps with transparency?))
- 1 point - pressing a given key on the keyboard will save a screenshot
- Extra Credit (2 points) - save the tile map to a file so that the information is preserved between closing and opening the game
- Extra Credit (2 points) - add a second "object" layer on top of the ground layer with different tiles to place (this is harder, so make sure everything else is done first before starting it)
My Code
# Assignment Tile Editor # All Art Assets created by me. # No key required to press, but you can press "S" to take screenshot(to get the point from assignment XD) # Or your could press the "Screenshot" button (which is more convience) gridOffsetX = 100 gridOffsetY = 100 gridSizeX = 50 gridSizeY = 50 gridRow = 8 gridCol = 12 toolboxOffsetX = 200 toolboxOffsetY = 550 toolboxSizeX = 50 toolboxSizeY = 50 toolboxCol = 4 currentLayer = 1 activeTool = 1 Layer1Trans = 255 Layer2Trans = 255 T_L1 = [] T_L2 = [] tilePos = [] tileType = [] tileLayer = [] dupTime = 60 #for save just one image saveName = "BoringSaves.txt" def setup(): size(800, 600) noStroke() background(0) loadRes() loadSave(loadStrings(saveName)) def loadRes(): global T_BG, T_L1, T_L2 T_BG = loadImage("T_Background_Tile.png") T_L1T1 = loadImage("T_L1T1.png") T_L1.append(T_L1T1) T_L1T2 = loadImage("T_L1T2.png") T_L1.append(T_L1T2) T_L1T3 = loadImage("T_L1T3.png") T_L1.append(T_L1T3) T_L1T4 = loadImage("T_L1T4.png") T_L1.append(T_L1T4) T_L2T1 = loadImage("T_L2T1.png") T_L2.append(T_L2T1) T_L2T2 = loadImage("T_L2T2.png") T_L2.append(T_L2T2) T_L2T3 = loadImage("T_L2T3.png") T_L2.append(T_L2T3) T_L2T4 = loadImage("T_L2T4.png") T_L2.append(T_L2T4) def draw(): background(0) drawBackgroundGrid() updateLayerTool() updateToolbox() drawGrid() drawFloatingIcon() screenshot() def drawBackgroundGrid(): global T_BG for row in range(gridRow): for col in range(gridCol): tempX = gridOffsetX + gridSizeX * col tempY = gridOffsetY + gridSizeY * row tint(255, 120) image(T_BG, tempX, tempY, gridSizeX, gridSizeY) def updateLayerTool(): fill("#343434") rect(0, 100, 75, 300) if currentLayer == 1: fill("#B2E8F9") rect(0, 150, 50, 100) fill("#516C75") rect(0, 270, 50, 100) else: fill("#516C75") rect(0, 150, 50, 100) fill("#B2E8F9") rect(0, 270, 50, 100) textSize(16) fill(40) text("Ground", 0, 211) text("Object", 5, 330) textSize(20) fill(255) text("Layer", 15, 130) def updateToolbox(): global T_L1 for i in range(toolboxCol): tempX = toolboxOffsetX + toolboxSizeX * i tempY = toolboxOffsetY tint(255,255) if currentLayer == 1: image(T_L1[i], tempX, tempY, toolboxSizeX, toolboxSizeY) elif currentLayer == 2: image(T_L2[i], tempX, tempY, toolboxSizeX, toolboxSizeY) fill(73, 89, 204, 80) rect(toolboxOffsetX + toolboxSizeX * (activeTool - 1), toolboxOffsetY, toolboxSizeX, toolboxSizeY, 10, 10, 10, 10) fill(80) rect(700, 550, 100, 50) textSize(30) fill(255) text("Clear", 720, 580) def drawFloatingIcon(): #draw transparent image first if mouseX > gridOffsetX and mouseX < (gridOffsetX + gridSizeX * gridCol): if mouseY > gridOffsetY and mouseY < (gridOffsetY + gridSizeY * gridRow): tempPos = PVector(mouseX - mouseX % gridSizeX, mouseY - mouseY % gridSizeY) tint(255,180) if currentLayer == 1: image(T_L1[activeTool - 1], tempPos.x, tempPos.y, gridSizeX, gridSizeY) elif currentLayer == 2: image(T_L2[activeTool - 1], tempPos.x, tempPos.y, gridSizeX, gridSizeY) def drawGrid(): tint(255, 255) for i in range(len(tilePos)): if tileLayer[i] == 1: image(T_L1[tileType[i] - 1], tilePos[i].x, tilePos[i].y, gridSizeX, gridSizeY) for i in range(len(tilePos)): if tileLayer[i] == 2: image(T_L2[tileType[i] - 1], tilePos[i].x, tilePos[i].y, gridSizeX, gridSizeY) def screenshot(): global dupTime #draw screenshot button first fill("#347700") if mouseX > 300 and mouseX < 500 and mouseY > 0 and mouseY < 50: fill("#559D1D") rect(300, 0, 200, 50) textSize(30) fill(255) text("Screenshot", 325, 30) if keyPressed: if key == "s" or key == "S": if dupTime == 0: saveFrame("Screenshot###.jpg") print("Screenshot Saved!") dupTime = 60 if dupTime > 0: dupTime -= 1 def loadSave(data): for row in data: rowList = row.split(",") #print(rowList) tempPos = PVector(float(rowList[0]), float(rowList[1])) #print(tempPos) tilePos.append(tempPos) tileType.append(int(rowList[2])) tileLayer.append(int(rowList[3])) def dispose(): saveData = [] for i in range(len(tilePos)): row = str(tilePos[i].x) + "," + str(tilePos[i].y) + "," + str(tileType[i]) + "," + str(tileLayer[i]) saveData.append(row) saveStrings("data/" + saveName, saveData) print("Save Successful!") def mousePressed(): #TODO: detect layer stuff global currentLayer if mouseX > 0 and mouseX < 50 and mouseY > 150 and mouseY < 250: currentLayer = 1 if mouseX > 0 and mouseX < 59 and mouseY > 270 and mouseY < 370: currentLayer = 2 #TODO: detect active tile painter global activeTool for i in range(toolboxCol): if mouseY > toolboxOffsetY and mouseY < toolboxOffsetY + toolboxSizeY: if mouseX > toolboxOffsetX + toolboxSizeX * i: activeTool = i + 1 #TODO: clear the screen global tilePos, tileType, tileLayer if mouseX > 700 and mouseX < 800: if mouseY > 550 and mouseY < 600: tilePos = [] tileType = [] tileLayer = [] #TODO: log current tile to array if mouseX > gridOffsetX and mouseX < (gridOffsetX + gridSizeX * gridCol): if mouseY > gridOffsetY and mouseY < (gridOffsetY + gridSizeY * gridRow): tempPos = PVector(mouseX - mouseX % gridSizeX, mouseY - mouseY % gridSizeY) if len(tilePos) > 0: #should take care the same cell duplication issue shouldNotAppend = False for i in range(len(tilePos)): if tilePos[i].x == tempPos.x and tilePos[i].y == tempPos.y and currentLayer == tileLayer[i]: tileType[i] = activeTool shouldNotAppend = True if shouldNotAppend == False: tilePos.append(tempPos) tileType.append(activeTool) tileLayer.append(currentLayer) #print(tilePos, tileType, tileLayer) else: tilePos.append(tempPos) tileType.append(activeTool) tileLayer.append(currentLayer) #print(tilePos, tileType, tileLayer) #TODO: make screenshot function if mouseX > 300 and mouseX < 500 and mouseY > 0 and mouseY < 50: saveFrame("Screenshot###.jpg") print("Screenshot Saved!")

application.windows64.zip 43 MB
Install instructions
Java 8 required
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