What if you put extra efforts on video game assignments----6
A downloadable game
Particle System (Rocket Landing Game)
Project Description
A simple rocket landing game with different difficulties selections and (real?) handcrafted physics simulation!
Assignment Rubrics
- 2 points - use PVectors to keep track of position/velocity and any other relevant 2D coordinates
- 8 points - have at least two different object classes, you need to be able to have many of the screen, they should animate/move around, and they should expire when appropriate (and remove themselves from the lists they are in)
- Extra Credit (2 points) - make it a game. This will probably involve some combination of a goal, fail/win state, score, and difficulty (with a curve too?).
My Code
# Rocket Landing Game # Use Space to Ignite or shutdown Engine. # Use wasd to control the throttle and angle # Also, The minimum throttle is somewhere between 15- 25 GRAV_CONST = 0.002 ROCKET_SPWAN_X_POS = [600, 1000] ROCKET_SPWAN_Y_POS = [80, 30] ROCKET_SPWAN_X_VEL = [-0.1, -0.05] ROCKET_SPWAN_Y_VEL = [0.15, 0.1] isOnMenu = True isOnGame = False isOnScore = False rocketNo = 1 planetNo = 1 mouseClickPasser = False particleList = [] def setup(): global rocket, planet size(1280,800) rectMode(CENTER) textMode(CENTER) #print(getInitialRocketPos(), getInitialRocketVel()) rocket = Rocket(getInitialRocketPos(), getInitialRocketVel(), PVector(30, 100)) planet = Planet(100, color(133, 132, 121)) background(0) def draw(): if isOnMenu: drawMenu() elif isOnGame: drawGame() elif isOnScore: drawScore() def drawMenu(): global rocketNo, planetNo, isOnMenu, isOnGame, rocket, planet background(0) fill(255) textSize(30) text("select your rocket to fly, your Choice is: " + str(rocketNo), 200, 100) text("select your planet to land, your Choice is: " + str(planetNo), 200, 400) if buttonCreation(300, 250, 200, 100, "Rocket 1 EZ"): rocketNo = 1 if buttonCreation(600, 250, 200, 100, "Rocket 2 Mid"): rocketNo = 2 if buttonCreation(900, 250, 200, 100, "Rocket 3 Hard"): rocketNo = 3 if buttonCreation(300, 450, 200, 100, "Planet 1 EZ"): planetNo = 1 if buttonCreation(600, 450, 200, 100, "Planet 2 Mid"): planetNo = 2 if buttonCreation(900, 450, 200, 100, "Planet 3 Hard"): planetNo = 3 if buttonCreation(640, 650, 300, 150, "Go"): isOnMenu = False isOnGame = True rocket = Rocket(getInitialRocketPos(), getInitialRocketVel().mult(rocketNo), PVector(30, 100).mult(rocketNo)) planet = Planet(100 * planetNo, color(133, 132, 121)) def drawGame(): global rocket, planet background(0) rocket.update() rocket.render() for particle in particleList: particle.update() #print("update Success") particle.render() drawThrottleBar() drawFuelBar() planet.render() drawScore() def drawScore(): global rocket, planet if rocket.landingStatus == True or rocket.landingStatus == False: drawScoreBoard(rocket.landingStatus) #_______Key Functions________# def keyPressed(): global rocket if key == ' ': rocket.isEngineOn = not rocket.isEngineOn elif key == 'w': if rocket.throttle < rocket.maxThrottle: rocket.throttle = rocket.throttle + 5 elif key == 's': if rocket.throttle > rocket.minThrottle: rocket.throttle = rocket.throttle - 5 elif key == 'a': rocket.angularAcce = -1 * rocket.rotationPwr elif key == 'd': rocket.angularAcce = rocket.rotationPwr def keyReleased(): if key == 'a' or key == 'd': rocket.angularAcce = 0 if key == 'w' or key == 's': rocket.throttle = rocket.throttle #______Helper Function_______# def getInitialRocketPos(): tempPosX = random(ROCKET_SPWAN_X_POS[0], ROCKET_SPWAN_X_POS[1]) tempPosY = random(ROCKET_SPWAN_Y_POS[0], ROCKET_SPWAN_Y_POS[1]) return PVector(tempPosX, tempPosY) def getInitialRocketVel(): tempVelX = random(ROCKET_SPWAN_X_VEL[0], ROCKET_SPWAN_X_VEL[1]) tempVelY = random(ROCKET_SPWAN_Y_VEL[0], ROCKET_SPWAN_Y_VEL[1]) return PVector(tempVelX, tempVelY) def drawThrottleBar(): global rocket # Draw background of the throttle bar fill(100) rect(1250, 300, 20, 300) # Current Throttle level if rocket.isEngineOn: fill(0, 255, 0) else: fill(255, 0, 0) throttleLevelHeight = map(rocket.throttle, 0, 100, 0, 300) rect(1250, 450 - throttleLevelHeight / 2, 20, rocket.throttle * 3) print(rocket.throttle) def drawFuelBar(): global rocket fill(100) rect(1200, 300, 20, 300) if rocket.isEngineOn: fill(240, 190, 53) else: fill(99, 87, 52) fuelLevelHeight = map(rocket.fuel, 0, rocket.maxFuel, 0, 300) rect(1200, 450 - fuelLevelHeight / 2, 20, fuelLevelHeight) def drawScoreBoard(landingStatus): if landingStatus == None: pass elif landingStatus == True: fill(0, 255 ,0) rect(width / 2, height / 2, width - 200, height - 150) fill(0) textSize(100) text("You land successfully", 640, 400) elif landingStatus == False: fill(255, 0, 0) rect(width / 2, height / 2, width - 200, height - 150) fill(0) textSize(100) text("You failed", 640, 400) def buttonCreation(posX, posY, sizeX, sizeY, tempText): global mouseClickPasser if (mouseX > posX - (0.5 * sizeX)) and (mouseX < (posX + (0.5 * sizeX))) and (mouseY > posY - (0.5 * sizeY)) and (mouseY < posY + (0.5 * sizeY)): fill(200, 200, 250) rect(posX, posY, sizeX, sizeY) fill(40) textSize(30) text(tempText, posX - 0.5 * sizeX, posY) if mouseClickPasser: mouseClickPasser = False return True else: fill(100, 100, 130) rect(posX, posY, sizeX, sizeY) fill(250) textSize(30) text(tempText, posX - 0.5 * sizeX, posY) return False def mouseClicked(): global mouseClickPasser mouseClickPasser = True #_______Yay, rocket Class_________# class Rocket(object): def __init__(self, tempPos, tempVel, tempSize): self.pos = tempPos self.vel = tempVel self.siz = tempSize self.isEngineOn = False self.throttle = 100 self.angle = atan2(self.vel.y, self.vel.x) self.angularVel = 0 self.angularAcce = 0 self.rotationPwr = 0.0003 self.throttlePwr = 0.03 self.maxThrottle = 100 self.minThrottle = 15 self.fuel = 1000 self.maxFuel = self.fuel self.landingStatus = None def update(self): # Calculate the throttle self.vel += PVector(0, GRAV_CONST) if self.isEngineOn: tempThrottleAcceY = -0.001 * self.throttle * self.throttlePwr self.vel += PVector(0, tempThrottleAcceY).rotate(self.angle) self.fuel -= self.throttle / 100.0 #print(self.fuel) if self.fuel <= 0: rocket.isEngineOn = False self.pos += self.vel # Calculate the Angle stuff self.angularVel += self.angularAcce self.angle += self.angularVel self.checkCollisionWithPlanet(planet) def render(self): pushMatrix() translate(self.pos.x, self.pos.y) rotate(self.angle) fill(255) rect(0, 0, self.siz.x, self.siz.y) popMatrix() if self.isEngineOn: #pass self.addSmoke() def addSmoke(self): tempPos = self.pos.copy() tempVel = PVector(cos(self.angle + 0.5 * PI), sin(self.angle + 0.5 * PI)).mult(self.throttle * 0.05) newSmoke = Particle(tempPos, #self.pos + PVector(0, 0.5 * self.siz.y), tempVel, 180, 50, color(99, 87, 83), 0.5 * PI) particleList.append(newSmoke) #print("Init particle success:", len(particleList)) def checkCollisionWithPlanet(self, planet): halfWidth = self.siz.x / 2 halfHeight = self.siz.y / 2 corners = [ PVector(-halfWidth, -halfHeight).rotate(self.angle) + self.pos, PVector(halfWidth, -halfHeight).rotate(self.angle) + self.pos, PVector(-halfWidth, halfHeight).rotate(self.angle) + self.pos, PVector(halfWidth, halfHeight).rotate(self.angle) + self.pos ] for corner in corners: if corner.y >= height - planet.hgt: if abs(self.vel.y) > 0.2 or abs(self.vel.x) > 0.2: # Adjust the speed threshold as necessary print("Rocket exploded!") self.landingStatus = False else: print("Safe landing!") self.landingStatus = True break self.isEngineOn = False # Turn off the engine on collision #________Particle Effects__________# class Particle(object): def __init__(self, tempPos, tempVel, tempLife, tempSize, tempColor, tempDispersion): #Dispersion should be radian self.pos = tempPos initialAngle = atan2(tempVel.y, tempVel.x) #WTF??? why first y then x? tempDispersionAngle = random(-1 * tempDispersion / 2, tempDispersion / 2) finalAngle = initialAngle + tempDispersionAngle self.vel = PVector(cos(finalAngle), sin(finalAngle)) * tempVel.mag() #self.vel = tempVel self.curLife = 1.0 self.life = tempLife #print("Life:", self.life) self.siz = 0.0 self.finalSiz = tempSize self.col = tempColor def update(self): #print("Part update called") self.pos += self.vel #print("Part pos calculated", self.curLife, self.finalSiz, self.siz) self.siz = self.curLife / self.life * self.finalSiz #print("siz calcualted") self.curLife += 1.0 #print("cal finish") if self.curLife >= self.life: self.selfDeletion() def render(self): tempTransparentColor = color(0, 0, 0, 0) tempColor = lerpColor(self.col, tempTransparentColor, (float(self.curLife) / float(self.life))) #fill(255) noStroke() fill(tempColor) #print(self.pos.x, self.pos.y, self.siz * 2) circle(self.pos.x, self.pos.y, self.siz * 2) def selfDeletion(self): particleList.remove(self) #_________Planet Class_________# class Planet(object): #TODO: change planet's color to actual image def __init__(self, tempHeight, tempColor): self.hgt = tempHeight self.col = tempColor def render(self): fill(self.col) #change it later to image rect(width / 2, height - self.hgt / 2, width, self.hgt)

Status | Prototype |
Author | bohdns |
Genre | Simulation |
Tags | Retro, Souls-like |
application.windows64.zip 42 MB
Install instructions
Java 8 required~
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